It is now the second week of us planning and spit-balling ideas, and im proud to say we have a great basis for an idea. We did decide to focus on more of a character study/introduction. The basis of the idea is that an almost washed up celebrity is doing an interview promoting his new film. We havent decided if we want to do a sort of 60 minutes type of interview, a junket, or just a talk show appearance. I am also attempting to introduce the idea of maybe trying to make it seem like one shot, ive noticed that "one" shot films are becoming more and more popular. And I should also include the fact that, yes, Birdman is going to be a pretty huge influence as well as other one shot films such as 1917. We also are going to try to include that protagonists problems with certain addictions, It should be noted that the film will take place in the 80's. But we dont want to make it a cheesy 80's film, it just happens to take place during this time period. For the character we also want to find a way to show some of the characters worst behaviors such as jealousy or envy, much like the film The Artist (2011) which I might recommend the group to actually view it to get some of the ideas im trying to show.
In the link provided above its just a website providing the different character archetypes because I wanted to provide input into the two character archetypes that we wanted to focus on for our character. First is the hero complex, which in turn is pretty obvious seeing as this character will be our protagonist, but the interesting thing we want to do is that the villain complex will actually be our protagonist again, but not the protagonist himself, just his addictions and his own mental health. Now, we know that this is something that has been done before but we still want to attempt to do it our own way, we believe it is one of the hardest ones to do which is why it motivates us to take it on. Some films that can relate to the idea of the protagonist being his same antagonist are Joker, there will be blood and of course again Birdman.

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