Friday, February 28, 2020

Oh yeah, its all coming together.

So today in class we started discussing what we wanted our first initial shots would be to set the tone and feeling of the opening. Ryan started picking away at the script while Edward worked on set design. Nick was catching up on the project but was doing some great work. We are basing the first half of our opening as a press junket between our protagonist and an interviewer, it should be noted that we finally have a protagonist name, as of now hes gonna be called Keith Floyd. While they were working on their own parts of the project I was thinking more on the cinematography side of the project. The first shot of the film is going to be of a silhouette of both Keith and his manager discussing things in a dark hallway that shows the interview portion of the room at the end of the shot. Should be noted that it will be lit with a dim blue light hung above the two characters. The type of light we wanna show is in the image below from the film Joker (2019)

Also about halfway through our conversation I realized that in Junkets, there are normally movie posters of the movie that the actor is promoting. I know its not in every junket but we really wanted to give it that authentic feel that it is truly an interview. Thankfully Edward volunteered to make said poster since he has the most experience with graphic design. Another quick change that might or might not affect the "cocaine" use in the opening is that we realized it would look kind of dumb if our protagonist Keith just snorted cocaine out of his pocket, so instead we decided it would convey our point much easier to the audience if he just drank out of a flask obviously implying that he has problems relating to substance abuse. This is all going to be happening in the initial hallway scene that was stated before. After a while we Ryan finished up the initial screenplay for the first hallway portion, it was actually really good when we all started talking about it and adding and changing the script a bit. I'm really confident in my team to the point where I bet that we will probably have the best opening in the class.

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